Sunday, September 4, 2011

Just a flesh wound.

First, an apology, dearest blogger friends for my absence. My internet was out and I was too distracted by the kids and The Hunger Games to post from my phone. Have no fear, readers! For I have decided on a very interesting and mommy bloggerish topic for tonight.

Tonight's topic: My mother. Oh yes. Better grab you a sandwich, this could take a while.

Where do I even begin? When I was younger, before my mom was diagnosed with MS, she was... awesome. Was she awesome because I was 12 and looked up to her or was she truly awesome? I will never know. But I do know I thought she was awesome. An attentive parent, loving, sometimes annoying and impatient but a mom. A great mom.

After she got diagnosed, it was like... a downward spiral to an entirely different person. Was it the MS? Was it my being a teenager? Was it a combo of both? My mom is the type of person to always need the last word. Even in my youth, I learned to just allow her her final word, the only way to silence her. Even then it didn't always work. This is my first step toward parenting my mother.

As I grew older, she began to grow spiteful of my success (minor as it may be). On my wedding day, she "disowned" me, for silly reasons I can't remember. She attempted to ruin what was supposed to be the best day of my life. After that, I didn't speak to her for almost two months. When I finally called her (because I had to be the one to call her), it was to announce my pregnancy with Simon.

GAH baby awake. TBC

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