Who? My old friend, livejournal, who I have sadly left behind? The lady who stole my quarter today after I dropped it on the floor? The guy who hit on me this morning, and who accepted a cupcake as his reward?
Maybe I should dedicate this post to my former self. The girl who cared for fashion, shoes, vague blog posts always relating to dieting or boys. Maybe it should be a shout out to that young and carefree me. Hey yo, Heather!
So this is me turning over a new leaf. I don't really know what I am doing, as most things in my life go these days. I feel scattered, but maybe that's because they give you so many color choices for the layout.
Also, my LJ was 22 years in the future.
Honestly, I never thought I would leave LJ. I loved it. I guess I stopped posting there because I felt like I was getting too 'mommy blogger' for my old friends. I was trying to spare them from my transformation. Here, I can start anew.
YES. I AM A MOMMY BLOGGER. At least if people gag, it's not people who knew me for who I was. Today my life is filled with thoughts of baby shoes, what's nutritious, why is it that even though I'm breastfeeding, my boobs are still small.
Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth. I need coffee in the morning. I haven't painted my toenails in at least 6 weeks, or shaved my legs in 2. I am 26 years old and living the dream. The dream is to have spit up down your back in Walmart without realizing it, right?
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